Book loan gear online

  • Auckland Council loans Zero Waste Event gear to assist community groups and schools in minimizing event waste sent to landfill (Auckland regional events only). All loan gear is offered free of charge.

    A large variety of loan gear is available. The gear is suitable for all event types – from small events of less than 100 people through to large events of 5000 people plus.

    All gear loaned is subject to availability. Bookings should be made at least 10 working days prior to your event.


    Part 1 – Event & Contact Details

  • The official name of the event that will be referred to on any applications
  • Main point of contact responsible for delivery of event
  • :
  • :
  • For example, behind the blue shed, off Taylor Road.
  • For example, inside the main carpark, on your left as you enter.
  • Part 2 - Loan Gear Booking

    Please select the quantities you would like to book:

    To learn more, find our Zero Waste Events Grant webpage under Get Help, or copy this link:
  • Loan Gear Agreement

    We expect that you, the borrower of the gear, will:

    1. Read the Zero Waste Event Guidelines to gain a good understanding of the principles of running a Zero Waste Event.
    2. Make all effort possible to follow Zero Waste events ‘best practice’ including:
      • Separating landfill, recycling & compostable materials during the event
      • Having waste stations monitored by volunteers during the event
      • Disposing of all waste, recycling & compostable materials in the correct manner post-event i.e. not sending compostable or recyclable materials to landfill.
    3. Wash & dry the bin covers before returning.
    4. Return all gear in full & in the condition it was loaned out in. If gear is lost or returned damaged you may be charged.
    5. Please ensure the gear is in the agreed place for the courier to pick up post-event. If the courier has to make multiple trips you may be charged.
    6. Send us any pictures you have of the loan gear in action during the event.
    7. Send us statistics of waste diverted at your event if this is available.