1 Reduce incoming waste

Vendors were required to use compostable packaging only and a preferred supplier was organised with competitive pricing.

2 Choose the right bin

Having control over packaging used by vendors enabled us to accommodate large compostable waste streams.

3 Let people know

Social media is particularly important to the Splore community, and attendees are encouraged to think about what they are purchasing for the festival so as to reduce landfill waste prior to arrival. A large number of volunteers monitored bin stations constantly to ensure people put their waste in the right bins.

4 Capture feedback

In the first year of focusing on zero waste (2014), 73% was diverted from landfill. In 2016, this increased to 85%.

Splore 2016, 85% Zero Waste

The following are some things to think about:

Do you really need it?

Is it possible to substitute something that causes waste with something that doesn’t?

For example:

book loan gear


TIP – Stallholders

Your stallholders and vendors are vital to a successful Zero Waste Event. If they are on board, good results should follow.
The recommended approach is to;

Can it be reused, recycled or composted?

If not, consider an alternative that won’t need to be landfilled. For example:

Take a look at this video from Splore 2019 for more tips:

Recent Zero Waste Events

Case Studies